The Past

RP Quests Completed:
A Horrid Creation
The Accursed Potion
The Unraveling
A Plan for Revenge
Wrong Place; Wrong Time

A Horrid Creation:
Jajakutu's parents were courtiers of the house of Ul. Jajakutu's father was a member of The Royal Academy of Alchemy. A team of Alchemists retained by the Sultan for the purposes of research and development. His Mother was a shrewd business woman.

After years of research, The Royal Academy of Alchemy achieved their greatest feat. A potion capable of changing one permanently from one race to another. They called it "Fantasia".

The coffers of the Syndicate swelled as demand for the new potion knew no limit. Tribesman, Tradesman, and Merchant alike all wanted a chance at a new life. The old saying held true, "Destiny is the color of Gold."

The Accursed Potion:
The Magicks contained within the liquid came at a terrible cost. For to imbue such powers a deal was struck with the Voidsent Diabolos. His price, The soul of Jajakutu's Father. Given that he was a Voidsent, his pact enabled him to alter the deal.

In addition to one soul, Diabolos cursed the potion to be highly addictive. A property unknowingly appreciated by The Syndicate, but a property that would spell the demise for many. House Dadalutu would pay the highest toll.

The Unraveling
Jajakutu was there the day Diabolos came for the Soul of his father. As an apprentice Alchemist he was powerless against a Voidsent of the second circle. This crushed Jack as he could not believe his father would agree to such an arrangement.

The toll was not done however, as His mother had been a tester of the early formulas. As the potion changed, so too did her demeanor. She was overcome with a never-ending thirst for Fantasia, unable to keep a form for more than a few hours and doing anything for another bottle.

After his father's death, Jajakutu tried furiously to find a cure for the addiction, but to no avail. His mother ultimately became consumed with shame and left Ul'dah, never to be recognized again.

A Plan for Revenge
Jajakutu, now head of house, has a dual responsibility. To his new Sultana as a courtier, and to the only family he had left, his Sister Mimiyu Miyu.

Thier heads swirling with thoughts of rage, Mimiyu and Jajakutu both wanted to become Thaumaturges. This would enable them to learn of their enemy, and perhaps one day defeat him.

Jajakutu, worried that his sister could be taken from him like their father, thought it best to ask the Church of Saint Adama-Landama to look after her. Mimi vehemently refused, but Jajakutu insisted that this was the safest place for her. Once he had political sway in the Thaumaturge guild, he would send for her to begin her training.

In less than 16 months, Jajakutu graduated at the top of his class and was invited to delve "further into the void" by the Milvaneth Sacarium. Given his new found powers, and how he has the Sultana's ear, Jajakutu was made the Sacarium's representative to the house of Ul'. A court Black Wizard. Not since the Thorne Dynasty has one been appointed.

Jajakutu made good on his word and got Mimiyu an apprenticeship at the Ossuary, where she works to this day.

Wrong place; Wrong Time
During the final Days before the Seventh Umbral Era came to a close, potions from Ul'dah were in high demand, as City-States sought to bolster their stockpiles. Their Chirurgeons' knew the trouble that lay ahead.

Jack was coming home from a successful trade with Limsa Lominsa When the boat ran out of fuel and had it's sails fouled by Vilekin of the sea.

In their haste, and in their frustration at the sing-song nature of the Lalafell's name, the Roegadyn shouted:
"Oy! Jack Daloots! Tow that cable! Hoist the mainsil! She be repaired at last!!"
The crew erupted in laughter and proceeded to call him "Jack Daloots" the rest of the voyage.

Once Jack came to the conclusion that his final days would not be aboard The Arcangel he switftly left the crew never to speak to them again. The Crew however, shared the tale in every port, and so to this day, Jack comes across people who know him. He got used to introducing himself as such:
"You can call me Jack Daloots... Everyone else does..."